How to reopen or reactivate your Amazon Associates account

"This account is closed and will not generate referrals. Access to this site is for historical purposes only."

Shortly before I got this "Important Notice" when logging into the Amazon Associates website, I got this email.

We are writing to notify you that your Associates Program application has been rejected and you will no longer have access to AssociatesCentral.
This action was taken because we have not yet received a referral from your account.  Accounts that have not referred a sale within in 180-days of sign-up are automatically rejected.
You are free to reapply to the Associates Program at any time, but we recommend only doing so if your website receives consistent traffic. 

You can access the application here:
e wish you the best of luck with your website in the future.

Oh crap.

My first reaction was that this sucked but after a little research, I figured out what needed to be done to get me back up again and it wasn't all that hard.

How did I get this fixed and working again?

After searching around, I found out that you can't reactivate a closed account. Once they have closed that particular account, the only way is to reapply for a new account by going to and clicking on the Join Now Link.

You can sign in with the same email address but you will have to choose a new affiliate ID.

Once I did that and in just a couple minutes I was back up and running with a fresh new account Amazon Associates Program account.

Note: To make sure this doesn't happen again, make sure you add your payment information, your tax information and any other account setup tasks that Amazon requires. Make sure your account is in good standing and things should work out well for you.

Hope that helped you get back up and running.

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  1. 45+ ways to make money in 2018 – CRAIG CHERLET on January 5, 2018 at 2:44 pm

    […] How to reopen or reactivate your Amazon Associates account […]

  2. teacherofsci on October 27, 2018 at 6:41 am

    Hi, my account was closed for the same reason. I’ve reopened with a different ID but do I have to replace all my Amazon product adds in my blog posts?

    • Craig on October 27, 2018 at 6:45 am

      If you have a new tracking ID in your new Amazon account then yes.

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