Discover how using a Bridge Page Funnel in your Affiliate Marketing can multiply your results + A Free Funnel to try it out.

So many affiliate marketers start out sending all of their traffic directly to the products sales page. This strategy works but it’s not the best long-term strategy.

Before we dive in, I want to first explain what a bridge page sales funnel is.

A bridge page sales funnel is a web page that goes between your ads and the affiliate marketing products sales page that you want to promote.

Your bridge page can have your affiliate links directly on it or you can create an email capture form that then sends a link with your affiliate programs or products on it or direct your visitor to a second page that has your product links.

Here is a simple graphics to visualize how this works.

As you can see your Opt-in Page convinces them to give you their email.

A Thank You Page with an endorsement video and a call to action to the product you’re promoting. Maybe even some bonuses.

Then your subscriber is sent to the Order Page of the affiliate program you are promoting.

Why you should be using bridge pages when you are promoting affiliate products.

The whole idea of capturing emails is a long-term strategy in affiliate marketing.

Your primary goal as an affiliate marketer should be to build a high-quality email list of your target customers/audience.

As this list grows over time it will become one of your business’s most valuable assets.

Email is considered owned media. You “own” this list of email and can communicate, teach, and sell to this audience for years and years to come whenever you want.

Anyone who is successful in online business knows that having an email list is your golden ticket to sustainable long-term growth and success.

Other reasons for using a bridge page

If your affiliate marketing links are getting rejected by Facebook ads or Google ads, a bridge page sales to funnel can help.

Many popular affiliate marketing programs and networks I’ve been banned on Facebook ads for various reasons.

I see a lot of aspiring affiliate marketers struggle with promoting their affiliate links on Facebook and Google ads and having a bridge page can help you get around that.

Free Bridge Page Funnel

If you want a free bridge page funnel to get started here’s one for you right here just click the button below.

Here is the funnel map to give you an idea of the funnel you can get below for free.

[su_button url=”” target=”self” style=”flat” background=”#2D89EF” color=”#FFFFFF” size=”8″ wide=”no” center=”yes” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Get FREE Bridge Page Funnel[/su_button]

If you have questions or need help, leave a comment below.


  1. […] a ClickFunnels super affiliate too and I also use the software to create bridge page funnels between my advertising and the affiliate programs I […]

  2. Does Mean What Abridge - Kyrealestatebyzip on May 25, 2019 at 8:02 pm

    […] Discover how using a Bridge Page Funnel in your Affiliate Marketing. – A bridge page sales funnel is a web page that goes between your ads and the. Why you should be using bridge pages when you are promoting affiliate products .. What does it mean to “Dig Your Well Before You're Thristy. […]

  3. […] Discover how using a Bridge Page Funnel in your Affiliate Marketing can multiply your results […]

  4. […] Discover how using a Bridge Page Funnel in your Affiliate Marketing can multiply your results […]

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